2009년 12월 10일 목요일
I don't know what I want to do. I don't know what I like to do.
I was thinking since I was in middle school.
Almost my friends had their dream. Sometimes their dream change.
When someone ask me " What are you want to be?", then I cannot say anything.
But I tried to think about my futre all the time.
I don't know what I like to do. I like to dance, to decorate my nails and to shop.
I really don't like to study. But at least I want to do something, I need to study.
I am really worried about my future.
These days, it is really hard to get job even though people who are graduate really good school.
Today, people are working to live. But I want job that I really like although I cannot earn money a lot. That is what my parent want too.
But the problem is I don't know what I like......
I really don't know what I want to do for my whole life.
Even I don't know where I want to go into college.
I am already in 11th grade. It is already time to think about my future.
I want to go college in Korea. Because I want to stay Korea with my family and friends.
I just want to go any college in Soeul, Korea.
That is all my reason that I want to go into Korea college.
2009년 12월 2일 수요일
Super Junior is one of Korean dance group. There are 13 members in Super Junior.
They are really popular group in Korea.
I heard that Kang In is in the prison now.
Even though, he is a celebrity, he hit person after he drank alcohol.
It became very big issue in Korea. After few more days, there was car accident.
The criminal ran away. After few hours later, the criminal surrendered himself to the police.
That criminal was also Kang In. I was so disappointed him.
I think every fan of Kang In or even not fan of Kang In have same mind as me.
I was so ashamed that he is Korean and I liked him before.
After he did those crimes, he took a photo shot with other Super Junior member.
People start to criticize him. Even people want Kang In to go out in the team.
Hee Chul is one of Super Junior member too. Hee Chul even cannot understand Kang In.
He also think that he need to go out Super Junior.
I hope that he realized what he did wrong and don't make any thing like this happening.
I think even though he get out of prison, I cannot see him anymore on TV.
Life is one shot. Especially celebrity need to care their lives well.
2009년 11월 22일 일요일
If I were trillion ire
If I were trillion ire, first I will give my parent half of my property.
My mom always says that I cannot die before I give her money.
She spent a lot of money for me. And I want to give my money for my dad also. He buys everything that I want. Even though I am not trillion ire, I will give money as much as I can provide for them. After I give her money, I will spend a lot of money for my nail art and cosmetics. I will going to do plastic surgery for my eyes. I will spend money for my trip. I don't want to work. So I will have many mades. I will have big house. I will have party everyday. I will give some moeny for poor people and church for god. I will have my own big business to earn more money.
If I were trillion ire
If I were trillion ire, first I will give my parent half of my property. My mom always says that I cannot die before I give her money. She spent a lot of money for me. And I want to give my money for my dad also. He buys everything that I want. Even though I am not trillion ire, I will give money as much as I can provide for them. After I give her money, I will spend a lot of money for my nail art and cosmetics. I will going to do plastic surgery for my eyes. I will spend money for my trip.
2009년 11월 18일 수요일
My favorite holiday
I like Christmas more than my birthday.
I am always waiting for christmas.
My parent never act like Santa.
When I was in 1st grade, they always told me that there is no Santa.
They told me that every kids think that there is Santa, but every their parents act like Santa.
Even though I didn't believe Santa when I was young, Christmas is my favorite holiday.
On TV, singers sing Christmas songs. When I go out, people decorate everything.
When I was young, I always dreamed same thing before Christmas.
I made snowman with 1 boy. But boys were changed in my dream.
I always wish that this following christmas could be white christmas.
It is about christmas.
I have to be in Saipan during winter vacation.ㅠㅠ
Christmas!!!I love christmas songs! When I listen Christmas songs, my hurt beat faster than normal.
I am waiting for my Santa!!!!!
My best holiday is Christmas
2009년 11월 12일 목요일
the place i will die
I want to die at my own pention in 2067.09.17. That time, only I and my lovely husband should be there.
And I hope that my husband die at same day. I don't want my husband to be alone. After I die, eveyone in this world will cry for me. I don't anyone cry when I am dying.
I will go to my pention with my husband in 2067.09.16. I will eat my last dinner with him. We will listen a song that my husband sang for me when he was proposing me. We will think about our memory.
My husband will give last surprise present for me. I will laying down my husband's shoulder and listen my husband voice and I will die.
2009년 11월 9일 월요일
2009년 10월 28일 수요일
My favorite song
There was a boy. He likes a girl. But she doesn't like him.
He is younger than her.
He keep proposed her, but everytime she refused him.
One day He drunk and called her. He told her that he loves her so much, and
he wants to go out her for one week. During they are going out, if she doesn't like to continue their relationship, then he will not bother her any more.
I want my future boyfriend to sing this song for me.
I love this melody and story.
I like all TVXQ's song. Their song were always good.
When I listen their song, my heart is beating.
'If I could only breath next you' is one of my favorite song of their songs.
Xiah Junsu,One of TVXQ member, made this song.
When I listen this song, I feel like I am a main character of the music video.
I feel like they are breathing next to me.
2009년 10월 6일 화요일
2009년 9월 13일 일요일
Wonder of Saipan
Saipan with Garapan and Chalan Kanoa is the capital and the island where most tourists go to.
Make a visit to Isleta Maigo Fahang, also known as the sheer Banzai Cliffs,
Managaha Island, the famous Banadero Caves Forbidden Island and Bird Island.
Bird Isla

Bird Island is a small stone islet standing on coral reef.
The little island is home for thousands of birds. That is why we call 'bird island'. People who live in Saipan call this island "island of sleeping seabirds" We can still see holes in the soft cliffs of Bird Island, because bird island is one of place which occured World War II. When we walk down stairs from the road, then we can overlook Bird Island. We can walk down that road and follow the trail down the steep hill to a beach which is protected by the reef around Bird Island. When we walk down to the beach, we can see deep pools in the rocks which is home to hundreds of large colorful ocean fish. It is so beautiful. When we see turtles in the bird island, it will bring luck.

Forbidden Island can be reached through the village of Kagman and after a 30-40 minutes hike. But it is so hard to get there. There are lots of tough and high rocks. When I was tracking down there, I thought that I can die.
I was keep thinking that I would never come here again.
But When I arrived there, I felt so good.
Forbidden Island is off the east coast of Saipan.
2009년 9월 2일 수요일
My favorite book
Charlotte's Web is an animal fable that deals with several important aspects of a happy life: friendship, heroism, constancy, and death. And yet the story treats these topics indirectly. The primary appeal of Charlotte's Web is its charming story. White allows the characters to explore their relationships with each other in such a way that the story's themes grow naturally from these interactions. In the Zuckermans' bam, unbelievable things happen in very believable ways.
2009년 9월 1일 화요일
My favorite poem
and the usual early morning stuff'
that passes for thought.
to deliver the newspaper.
They are so happy
they aren't saying anything, these boys.
and they are doing this thing together.
though the moon still hangs pale over the water.
doesn't enter into this.
any early morning talk about it.
This is my favorite poem. Living in the Earth, the most important is enjoy our lives. Life is temporary. We don't have enough time to enjoy our lives. I am a high school student, so I am busy every morning. I don't have time to enjoy for thinking or drinking coffee at the morning. I want to be an adult.
When I read this poem, I felt tranquil.
'Happiness. It comes on unexpectedly' I like this sentence.
However I want to be happy, It doesn't come everytime.
If happiness come unexpectedly, It wiil be true happiness.
2009년 8월 27일 목요일
This I Believe
11th grade
This I Believe
I believe that one true friend is better than many. If friends are not with me when I need them, they are not true friends. I believe that people sometimes feel alone, even among their friends because they are not their true friends.
I have had many friends for my 16 years. I don’t use the word to anybody even if she is about my age. I call ‘friend’ to a person whom I believe and can share my everything. Finding the real friend is not that easy.
When I was in the 6th grade, I went to Australia for winter vacation to study English. I went there with my two classmates. But I didn’t even talk with them. All girls in our school didn’t like those girls. So they only played each other. I talked with two girls a lot. I wanted them to be my friends. We became friends, and we came back to Korean school, I wanted girls to be closer with my friends. One of girls tried to separate my best friend and me, but my best friend stayed with me. I realized that people don’t need many friends and there are fake friends.
I believe that one true friend is better than many. I also believe that a friend in need is a friend indeed.