2009년 12월 2일 수요일


I want to meet Kang In. He is one of Super Junior.
Super Junior is one of Korean dance group. There are 13 members in Super Junior.
They are really popular group in Korea.
I heard that Kang In is in the prison now.
Even though, he is a celebrity, he hit person after he drank alcohol.
It became very big issue in Korea. After few more days, there was car accident.
The criminal ran away. After few hours later, the criminal surrendered himself to the police.
That criminal was also Kang In. I was so disappointed him.
I think every fan of Kang In or even not fan of Kang In have same mind as me.
I was so ashamed that he is Korean and I liked him before.
After he did those crimes, he took a photo shot with other Super Junior member.
People start to criticize him. Even people want Kang In to go out in the team.
Hee Chul is one of Super Junior member too. Hee Chul even cannot understand Kang In.
He also think that he need to go out Super Junior.
I hope that he realized what he did wrong and don't make any thing like this happening.
I think even though he get out of prison, I cannot see him anymore on TV.
Life is one shot. Especially celebrity need to care their lives well.

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