Every one goes to college or university after high school. Every one can go school but different level school. People who are working hard for their SAT or ACT score and their GPA can go to high level school. But people who don't care also can go to college or university but not high level school. Especially in Korea, nowadays most of people cannot get their jobs easily. There are many Korean people who don't have their jobs. Most companies want people who graduate in good college. That is why Korean students study so hard.
After graduating high school, even I need to go college. One of important thing that I need for getting college is GPA. I need to care my GPA. The high score is same whether difficult class or easy class. It is much easier to get an A in this journalism class. So if I get bad grade on other difficult class. I cam make my GPA up with this grade. I need to get good GPA for my college and my jobs. But also there are many people who graduated in top school don't have any jobs. And people who have dreams don't really need to go to good college. But for my case, I don't know what I want to be and what I like to do. So I need to go to college which people know well.
If I go to good college, I get more chaces to do whatever I will want to be. To go good college, I have to get good GPA for my high school to get my chances. For example, I and someone get same SAT or ACT score, if someone gets better GPA than me, someone will be accepted easily. And if I get high SAT score and my GPA is bad, people could think that I only study SAT and didn't care GPA. That also can be why I need to get good grade for thisclass. There are many reasons that I need to get good grade for this class, so I have to get good grade for this journalism class.
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